Friday, February 19, 2016

Beachgoers kill baby dolphin for selfies

Repost from The Daily Beast, but I have to comment.   This is terrible.  What I can't understand is why people would think that this is OK.  I suppose there's two possibilities, one is that the entire crowd was that oblivious and literally uncaring, the second is that they knew what they were doing was wrong, but no one person wanted to step up.  People will do things in mobs that they normally wouldn't do otherwise.  I could make a tenuous philosophical connection between this kind of crap and with the culture of a people with perpetually broken economy, but I won't.

(photo by martudilaz of Instagram)

"After being pet and pawed at by dozens of people, one of the small creatures was found discarded on the beach, its usefulness as a social-media prop at an end. It was left coated in sand and soon died slowly of dehydration. Several people continued to snap photos of it as it lay gasping, just feet from the water. "